For postharvesters
Hello there!
I am developing the Postharvest.Co site as a platform for postharvesters to easily share useful information. Please feel welcome to guide my efforts to support communication among you. My focus is initially on:
- Developing a forum for exchanging insights, experiences, questions and knowledge
- Sharing blog posts on the wider issues in fresh produce communities
- Publishing short articles on key principles and practices
- Developing and delivering apps for making things simpler for postharvesters.
You might be:
- A student or a teacher who values accessing or sharing postharvest resources
- A grower seeking to improve and protect the value of your own crop
- A consumer wanting to learn how to spot, buy and eat tastier produce
- An ecologist focused on denting global greenhouse gas emissions by addressing postharvest losses
- A politician seeking to understand technologists who are working on food security.
My intent is that the site will:
- Deliver content that will make a difference to you
- Make valuable resources easily and affordably available to you
- Support you in your efforts to improve your communities and the world through postharvest practice.
Whatever your interest in postharvest systems, I’d love to have your voice in the conversations being developed here.
Join here
Best wishes